Who has ever talked to a bully? Probably everyone. In this author’s opinion, in order to to help a bully change, one has to actually talk to this person. Listen. Just listen to this individual. Let him or her talk period. Why you may ask? It allows this person to get their feelings out. This can be positively impactful to the bully and hopefully, over time, reverse the bad behavior to more benevolent ways. Is this foundation, The Sunny Road Foundation, being pragmatic? We think so.
How you may ask. Let’s build a community of psychologists, for profit and not for profit leaders, and individuals who care about wanting to make a difference in the lives of others.
This is going to take a huge amount of time. That’s our projection. Let’s put one foot in front of the other and do it now.
Let’s break down the internal struggles and strife that have composed an individual into a bully. Who knows. That bully may help another bully in becoming a nice person. Wow! Wouldn’t that be incredibly awesome.
Yes it would be.
What an introspective post. It’s very beneficial to realize how someone may think and react positively to someone taking interest in them. If we can get through to bullies by taking interest in their stories then this is a breakthrough.
Looking forward to your feedback and comments. Thank you!