Has anyone ever felt or been bullied by others? Throughout my teens, I was bullied quite a bit and it was not fun at all. However, after being knocked down many times, I stood back up and fought back with my words. It didn't always work or bring a successful outcome but I am very happy that I tried. This is a portion of one of my stories and I would love to hear one of your stories. Please share or write to us. Thank you! 🌞
One out of every five (20.2%) students report being bullied. (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2019 )
Take the Pledge - National Bullying Prevention Center (pacer.org)
Your pledge:
Says that you care and shows that you are against bullying and united for kindness, acceptance and inclusion.
Strengthens the cause, uniting those who want everyone to feel safe at school, in their community and while online.
Sends the message to students who are being bullied, that they are not alone.
Helps create an environment in which more people are supportive of others.
Together we can create a world without bullying!
I’ve felt bullied at different parts of my life but not in the typical way one might expect. I guess if I think about it, I felt I was bullied by just being left out or having friends in my group be left out. Myself or friends were given a cold shoulder, uninvited to a party or disrespected in different ways. Sometimes this is typical teenage behavior but it still stays with us. Instead of standing up for myself, I would let it happen. I guess it wasn’t what was said to me more than what was left unsaid. Did anyone have a similar experience as a teen?